gina alexandris

Good article by Gina Alexandris! Read more below (click on link) to learn which songs she turns to for solace & inspirtiaon.

Music: The Natural Mood Enhancer

On a recent drive in to work one morning, fighting traffic, under an overcast grey sky with the rain beating down around, I thought it would be rather difficult for my spirits to lift. As I usually do, I had the radio on as background noise, flipping channels and listening to the banter of the morning show hosts and the music that was playing. With a sigh, I again changed channels… and then a familiar song came on.

Being a kid of the 1980s, entirely unconsciously, a huge smile appeared on my face as I listened to the words of Journey’s “Faithfully” fill my car. How quickly my disposition changed, without any attempt on my part, all because of an old familiar song that both brought me back to my high school days and reminded me of the present-day strength of my relationship with my husband. I could not help but reflect on the immense power of music, both the sounds and the lyrics. New friends I had met at a course recently suggested we each “claim” a song to identify with our new learning experience, further reinforcing music’s power.

More… Gina Alexandris: Music: The Natural Mood Enhancer.