Last Minute Valentine Gifts To Feed The Inner Artist…

It’s getting very close to Valentine’s Day and you desperately NEED a couple of last minute Valentine gifts ideas…

Is this you? You know that Valentine’s Day is a wonderful occasion to show your happiness that this person is in your life. And you want to give a gift that will be meaningful. But you have no time or energy to run around looking for the perfect offering, even if there is such a thing.

Here are my own solutions and a few suggestions that I hope will help you… I’ve been a singer and vocal coach for many years. And I can’t tell you the number of times that people have taken me aside after a concert or upon hearing that I teach – to tell me in “real confidence” that they have “always wanted to sing, but I could never get up the nerve.”

Or – “I dreamed of painting when I was a kid, but my father said, ‘No way!'”
Or – “I’m really a writer, but no one else knows about it.”

So when I look for last minute Valentine gifts that are easy to manage,
I think about this… (Read More)

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